You are the creator of your own shoes.
We hold shoemaking classes and last making classes at our store.
We require no initial fees or monthly fees, which means you can work at your own pace. If you feel that ready-made shoes don’t fit or want to make your own shoes, come join us!
Shoe making class |
Shoe making class |

Create your own hand-sewn shoes.
The shoes created here are hand-sewn. A hand-sewn sole is securely attached to the upper and it is less likely that the sole will come off all of a sudden. We use a treadle sewing machine to sew the upper, which allows better control because we can move the needle stitch by stitch.

Beginner’s shoemaking course
This course is recommended for beginners and those who want to go through the entire shoemaking process at our studio.
First, we take the foot’s measurements at our store and prepare an oversized last. Based on the last, we create “measuring shoes” (temporary shoes for measuring the feet), conduct a fitting, update the last to reflect the foot’s measurements, and create the actual shoes. We will make measuring shoes even if you own a last. However, if no update on the last is necessary, we will start the course from the shoemaking step. In this course, you will learn how to sharpen leather cutting knives, how to skive leather, and how to use a sewing machine. Even if it may seem difficult at first, practice makes perfect! It is possible to pay for the course in installments.
Plain Toe Shoes using the McKay Construction Course | JPY 121,000(Includes materials fee and last fee. JPY 99,000 if you bring your own last. JPY 88,000 if you participated in our last making course.) It will take about 90 hours to complete the course. Please bring your own leather cutting knife or purchase one from our store. |
Plain Toe shoes using Hand-welted Construction Course | JPY 187,000(Includes materials fee and last fee. JPY 165,000 if you bring your own last.) It will take about 150 hours to complete the course. Please bring your own leather cutting knife and sewing tools. These can also be purchased from our store. |

Advanced Shoemaking Course
This course is recommended for those who already have some shoemaking experience under their belt, and want to learn targeted shoemaking skills or can complete some of the shoemaking process at their own home.
If you have a last that you want to use for making the shoes, please bring them with you. If you do not own a last, we will measure your feet and prepare a last that is slightly bigger than your size. During class, you will modify it to your actual size.
There are no initial fees required for this course. We will charge you for the materials fee and last fee (if necessary) on the first day of class. The course fee will be charged for each class.
tuition fee | JPY 3,960 for one class (or JPY 1,320 for one hour) |
Materials fee (for one pair of shoes) | JPY 11,000 JPY 5,500 if you bring the leather for the upper (both the lining and the outer material) |
Last fee | JPY 22,000 |
The time required for creating a pair of shoes will depend on the design. If the design and construction becomes more complicated, it will take a longer time.
Last making class |
Last making class |

Create your own last with your own hands.
The beginning of the shoemaking journey starts at your own feet.
The last is a mandatory shoemaking item and is where the shoemaking process begins. In the last making course, we measure the feet, and carve out the last from a piece of wood using a saw, hammer, and chisel to create the last. The starting point of this course is your own feet. We may introduce you to last making processes that are unique to this course. This course is recommended for people who want to carve out the last from a block of wood.

JPY 99,000 (To complete a pair of lasts)
We require no initial fees and the tuition will be charged on the first day of class. It is possible to pay for the course in installments.
The above fee includes materials fee.
You can borrow our tools and equipment.
If you would like to make a high heel last, it is mandatory that you take this beginner course prior to creating the high heel last.
We will measure your foot and create a pattern for the sole and use this to prepare a wooden block for the last. We will create measuring shoes and carve out the last that matches the measurements.
Classes take place at the same time slots as the shoemaking course (10am-1pm for the morning session, and 2pm-5pm for the afternoon session).
A last with a relatively low heel takes about 16 sessions(48 hours). Even if it takes more time than 16 sessions, we will not charge you any extra fees.
Schedule |
Schedule |
Morning Session: 10am-1pm
Afternoon Session: 2pm-5pm
One class unit is 3 hours.
You can select either the morning session or the afternoon session, or participate in both for the full 6 hours.
We do not require you to pay a monthly fee nor do we ask you to participate on a set schedule.
Please refer to the calendar on the right to make reservations.
(The upper row is for the morning session, and the lower row is for the afternoon session. A circle indicates that the section is available for reservation.)
Typically the classes can accommodate up to two persons. However, due to COVID-19, we are currently allowing up to one person per session.
August 2021
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